job company Program Manager @ Lockheed Martin
Match Score
Hard Skills Match
Soft Skills Match
Other Keywords Match
Degree & Title Match
Job Match Report
Hard Skills

You are missing 3 important hard skills on your resume. If you have any experience with the following skill(s), review the context they appear in the job posting and, if appropriate, add them to your resume.
Innovation Microsoft Project Scheduling

Soft Skills

You are missing 4 soft skills on your resume. If you have any experience with the following skill(s), review the context they appear in the job posting and, if appropriate, add them to your resume.
Innovation Interpersonal Organizational Scheduling

Other Keywords

You are missing 3 other keywords on your resume. If you have any experience with the following skill(s), review the context they appear in the job posting and, if appropriate, add them to your resume.
Challenges Employees Technology

Job Title Match

Great Work!
The job title Program Manager was found in your resume. We recommend having the exact title of the job for which you're applying for in your resume because recruiters occasionally search for applicants this way.

Degree Match

Your resume shows you have a Master's degree and the job posting requires no advanced degree.

Resume Report
Word Count

Your resume has 701 words. This is above the recommended word count range of 500 to 700 words. However, if you have over 10 years of experience or you are applying for a federal position a higher word count is acceptable.

Email Address

Your resume shows you have as your email contact.

Phone Number

Your resume shows you have 123-123-1122 as your contact phone number.


Good Work!
Your resume has 2 quantifiable accomplishment(s).

  • “and sustainment business exceeding $200 M through proposal management”
  • “Agreements) in excess of $80 M by executing requirements”
Word Choice

Good Work!
Your resume has 0 bad word(s).

Verb Choice

Your resume has 3 verb(s) that should be replaced with action verbs that better describe your work contributions.

Led Assisted Fixed
Personal Pronouns

Your resume has 1 personal pronoun(s). Since your resume is a document about your self, using these pronouns is redundant and wastes space. For example instead of: "I increased revenue by $10,000", You should use: "Increased revenue by $10,000".


Date Formatting

Date Formatting Looks Great!
Your resume shows you have 16 years of experience.

Hard Skills - Graph
Soft Skills - Graph
Other Keywords - Graph